A Love for the Scriptures
As the founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Worship Center (CCWC), Rich Jones has been committed to teaching through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. CCWC began as a Bible study with twelve people in the living room of Pastor Rich, and his wife, Jordi, in 1990. Since that time, CCWC has grown to over 1,700 people. Pastor Rich credits the growth, both numerical and spiritual, to the Holy Spirit transforming lives as the Gospel is proclaimed and the Word of God is taught. Currently, he is teaching through the Bible for the fourth time at CCWC. This commitment to teaching the full counsel of God’s Word serves as a foundational distinctive of Blessors of Israel.
A Burden for Israel to Know Jesus
Over the years, Pastor Rich has led many tours of Israel. Each tour gave him a deeper appreciation for Israel, her people, and history. Additionally, Pastor Rich’s study of the Bible has given him a burden for Israel and her people to know Jesus as their Messiah. In 2022, Pastor Rich founded Blessors of Israel to equip Christians to understand the importance of standing with Israel and her people and to establish a Messianic School of Evangelism in Israel. Pastor Rich believes that God will use His Word to prepare the Church and Israel for the events of the latter days so that many will place their faith in Jesus as their Messiah before He returns.