Equipping to Stand

Christians Must Stand with Israel

As the world draws nearer to the latter days, the Church must stand with Israel. Anti-Semitism will continue to increase around the world. Israel, and in particular, Jerusalem will be the epicenter of the unfolding of biblical prophetic events. But those who bless Israel will be blessed (Genesis 12:3).

Blessors of Israel equips Christians and churches about the necessity of standing with Israel, praying for her safety, and defending her in the face of much opposition. Stand with Blessors of Israel as we stand with Israel.

Invite Blessors of Israel to Your Church or Event for a “Prophecy Update”

God’s promises to Israel still stand and those who bless Israel will in turn be blessed. Like never before, Christians and churches must stand with Israel against the rising tide of anti-Semitism.

Blessors of Israel speakers and teachers speak at churches and Christian conferences throughout the country to provide “Prophecy Updates” and teach Christians how to effectively stand with Israel in the latter days.

To request a Blessors of Israel guest speaker for your church or Christian conference, please complete the form below.

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