Russia and Iran are Working Towards a “New World Order”

Russia and Iran are Working Towards a “New World Order”

Russia and Iran are working together to achieve a “new world order.” That is what Russian President, Vladimir Putin said on Friday, October 11, 2024, as he met with his newly elected Iranian counterpart, Masoud Pezeshkian. The two leaders were attending a forum in Turkmenistan’s capital of Ashgabat and met on the sidelines to discuss their strategic partnership.

Putin wants to create a “new world order” so that Russia’s allies may counter the United States and the West (Al Jazeera). And Putin wants Iran to play a key role in the establishment of this “new world order.” Putin said, “Relations with Iran are a priority for us. They are developing very successfully.”

Putin added, “Moscow and Tehran actively cooperate with each other in the international arena and often agree on their assessments of world events. This year, we year are witnessing an increase in the volume of trade between the two countries and its good trend” (Breitbart).

Pezeshkian agreed, stating, “From the economic and cultural point of view, our relations are getting stronger day by day. The growing process of cooperation between Iran and Russia should be accelerated according to the will of the supreme leaders of the two countries and the need to strengthen these relations” (Breitbart). (Please note that Russia does not have a “supreme leader”).

Pezeshkian also told Putin that he is hopeful that they will be able to sign a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement during their next meeting at the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia on October 22-24. BRICS is an alliance of countries co-founded by Communist China and Russia in 2009. Iran joined the alliance in January of 2024.

Since the start of Russia’s war with Ukraine, Russia has relied on Iran for drones and ballistic missiles. The Associated Press reported, “Moscow and Tehran signed a $1.7 billion deal for Iran to export drones to Russia after Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022, and the U.S. also believes it has transferred short-range ballistic missiles.”

The Jerusalem Post reported that, earlier in the day, Pezeshkian also took aim at Israel because it has exacted a devastating blow on two of it proxies, Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Pezeshkian said Israel should “stop killing innocent people” and that the United States and the European Union are supporting Israel as it seeks to destabilize the Middle East.

It is important to note that since October 7, 2023, when Hamas terrorist stormed into Israel and murdered 1,200 people, raped women and young girls, beheaded and burned babies, and took 250 people hostage, Putin and his minions have repeatedly sided with Israel’s enemies and attacked Israel’s efforts to rid its people of an existential threat from its neighbors (The Jerusalem Post).

Why are these developments important when it comes to understanding the events of the latter days? Because Russia and Iran will play significant roles in the events leading up to the Great Tribulation. As I have shared repeatedly, both in print and during the Blessors of Israel podcasts, the Battle of Gog and Magog will precede the Great Tribulation according to Ezekiel 38-39. During the Battle of Gog and Magog, there will be an alliance of nations against Israel which will be led by the leader of Russia, “Gog, prince of Rosh” (Ezek. 38:4). “Persia,” modern-day Iran, will be part of that alliance which will attack Israel “in the latter years” (Ezek. 38:5, 8). These nations will “devise an evil plan” against Israel and with overwhelming force “come like a storm. . . like a cloud covering the land” (Ezek. 38:9-10).

In the midst of this great opposition, God will come to Israel’s rescue and pour out His “blazing wrath” upon her foes in order to deliver Israel from certain destruction through a series of cataclysmic judgments (Ezek. 38:18-23). First, God will send a “great earthquake in the land of Israel. . . and all the men who are on the face of the earth will shake at My [God’s] presence; the mountains also will be thrown down, the steep pathways will collapse and every wall will fall to the ground.” Second, the invading armies will turn on each other because God will “call for a sword against him on all My [God’s] mountains. . . Every man’s sword will be against his brother.” Third, God will send a deadly “pestilence” upon Israel’s enemies and “with blood I [God] will enter into judgment with him.” Finally, God will rain down upon the invading armies “a torrential rain, with hailstones, fire and brimstone.”

God’s judgment against Israel’s enemies will be so severe that it will take Israel seven months to bury their enemies and seven years to gather and destroy their weapons (Ezek. 39:9-16). This divine deliverance will be in keeping with God’s promise to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse” (Gen. 12:3).

These developments between Russia and Iran are setting the stage for the events prophesied by the prophet Ezekiel 2,600 years ago. And through it all, God will reveal Himself to Israel and the many nations so that they will know that He is the Lord (Ezek. 38:23).

Watch and pray. Stay alert and intercede for Israel.

by Dr. Matthew Dodd | October 11, 2024