On Wednesday, Iran’s supreme leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei spoke at a religious event which marks Eid al-Fitr, the holiday that formally closes the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. During his speech, Khamenei accused the United States and the United Kingdom of supporting Israel in “kill[ing] children in their mothers’ arms and patients in hospitals” (Breitbart). Khamenei said, “During the last six months in Gaza, the Western governments, themselves, put on display this evil nature before the eyes of the world. . . Their strength does not match that of the resistance fighters, so they claim the lives of old men, families, children and women, and killed more than thirty thousand innocent people.”
What Khamenei failed to mention is that Israel was brutally attacked by Hamas terrorists, an Iranian proxy, on October 7, 2023. During that barbaric attack, 1,200 Israelis were murdered, women and young girls were raped, babies were burned to death and beheaded before their parents, and approximately 240 people were taken hostage.
What Khamenei also conveniently failed to mention is that the number of Palestinian casualties includes Hamas terrorists and that Israel’s ability to limit civilian casualties during its urban warfare campaign against Hamas is without peer in the history of modern warfare (Newsweek).
Lastly, what Khamenei failed to mention is that Israel did not start the war against Hamas, Hamas did. And ever since, Israel has been trying to remove this existential threat from its border with Gaza because Hamas, like Iran, is committed to the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews.
But Khamenei’s comments did not end there. Next, he threatened Israel, promising, Israel “must be punished and it shall be” for allegedly attacking an Iranian consular building in Syria on April 1, which left two Iranian generals and five officers dead (Time of Israel). Khamenei said, “Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus. Consulates are part of the countries to which they’re affiliated, thus the attack was launched against our own country. Israel will pay for the mistake it made” (Ynet News).
On Friday, April 5, CNN reported, “The US is on high alert and actively preparing for a ‘significant’ attack that could come as soon as within the next week by Iran targeting Israeli or American assets in the region.” CBS News also reported last Friday, “The U.S. has picked up intelligence that Iran is planning a retaliatory attack that would include a swarm of Shahed loitering drones and cruise missiles. . . Officials say the timing and target are unknown” but it is likely to come by the end of Ramadan.
Last week, Israel placed its embassies around the world on high alert (Jerusalem Post). The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) also canceled home leave for all combat troops and even scrambled GPS systems in Israel (The Time of Israel). Due to the increased threat, Israelis began “stockpiling supplies out of fear of an attack from Iran” even though the IDF claims there is no need to do so (Ynet News).
In response to Khamenei’s threats earlier today, Israel’s Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, warned that Israel will strike Iran directly if an attack against Israel originates from within the borders of Iran. Katz posted his response to Khameni in Persian on his X account and then tagged Khamenei’s official X account, saying, “Should Iran attack from its territory, Israel will respond and attack inside Iran.”
What would Israel target if Iran attacked Israel directly from within its borders?
Yesterday, The Times of Israel cited an anonymous “Western security official” who noted Israel “has been conducting air force drills in recent days that include preparing to target Iranian nuclear facilities and other key infrastructure should the Islamic Republic retaliate for the Damascus strike by attacking from its own territory.”
The U.S. and Israel have repeatedly voiced concerns about Iran’s nuclear program. Those concerns reached a new level today after it was reported that “Iran has greatly increased activity at the Fordow nuclear facility, moving it closer than ever to the production of nuclear weapons” (Israel National News). “Officials said that Iran has enough highly enriched uranium now to create enough fuel for three nuclear bombs in as little as a few days to a few weeks. The creation of a ‘crude bomb’ could take up to six months, while producing a warhead capable of being fitted on a missile could take up to two years.”
Question: Why are these developments important when it comes to understanding the events of the latter days?
Answer: The prophetic stage is being set for the return of Jesus Christ at the end of the Great Tribulation.
One event that will precede the Great Tribulation is the Battle of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39). During the Battle of Gog and Magog, there will be an alliance of nations against Israel. According to the book of Ezekiel, “Persia,” modern-day Iran, will be part of an alliance that will attack Israel “in the latter years” (Ezek. 38:5, 8). These nations will “devise an evil plan” against Israel and with overwhelming force “come like a storm. . . like a cloud covering the land” (Ezek. 38:9-10).
But in response to this great opposition, God will come to Israel’s rescue and pour out His “blazing wrath” upon her foes in order to deliver Israel from certain destruction through a series of cataclysmic judgments (Ezek. 38:18-23). This divine deliverance will be in keeping with God’s promise to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse” (Gen. 12:3).
So, it appears that the stage is being set for the events prophesied by the prophet Ezekiel 2,600 years ago. And through it all, God will reveal Himself to Israel and the many nations so that they will know that He is the Lord (Ezek. 38:23).
Please join me in praying for Israel and her people during these critical days.
by Dr. Matthew Dodd | April 10, 2024