Yahya Sinwar is Dead

Yahya Sinwar, head of Hamas in Gaza, chairing a meeting with leaders of Palestinian factions at his office in Gaza City in 2022 Credit: Adel Hana/AP
Yahya Sinwar, head of Hamas in Gaza, chairing a meeting with leaders of Palestinian factions at his office in Gaza City in 2022 Credit: Adel Hana/AP

Yahya Sinwar, 62, the mastermind of the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel is dead. Earlier today, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Shin Bet confirmed that Sinwar was killed on Wednesday “in a clash with Israeli forces in southern Gaza where operations intensified based on intelligence pinpointing the whereabouts of senior Hamas leaders” (Ynet News).

The Times of Israel reports that “the 162nd Division and Gaza Division have been operation in Gaza in areas where intelligence indicates senior Hamas officials have been hiding. A force from the 828th Bislamach Brigade killed three terrorists, and one of them was identified today as Sinwar.”

“According to initial reports, the Hamas leader was killed by tank fire called in by IDF soldiers who had identified armed terrorists in a building. When the soldiers subsequently searched the premises, they discovered that one of the bodies bore a striking resemblance to Sinwar” (JNS).

Telegraph reports, “Photographs from the scene showed the corpse of Sinwar, Israel’s most wanted man, with a bloody hole in his skull. The assassination marks the most significant killing of the year-long war and a significant victory for Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, who had long described him as a ‘dead man walking.’”

Ynet News notes,

IDF forces discovered large amounts of Israeli cash and identifying documents on the terrorists’ bodies. Due to the presence of explosives and grenades, drones were initially used to examine the bodies.

One of the terrorists bore a strong resemblance to Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, leading troops to believe they may have killed him unintentionally, without prior intelligence. The exact location of the raid remains undisclosed for security reasons.

To confirm Sinwar’s identity, soldiers photographed the body and sent the images to the Israeli police’s forensic unit. Assistant Commissioner Aliza Raziel, head of the unit, confirmed that the teeth in the photos matched Sinwar’s dental records from his time in Israeli custody.

‘We had Sinwar’s dental data on file, and the match was clear,’ Raziel said. ‘This was one of the most significant moments this year, allowing us to quickly provide critical information to the field.’

Further evidence suggesting Sinwar’s death included the presence of a senior Hamas commander known to frequently accompany him. Reports from Gaza indicated the other two terrorists killed were Sinwar’s bodyguards, one of whom worked as a teacher for UNRWA and the other a high-ranking official in Hamas’ National Security Office.

Reuters reports,

Sinwar, who was named as Hamas’ overall leader following the assassination of political chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran in July, was believed to have been hiding in the warren of tunnels Hamas has built under Gaza over the past two decades.

His death could dial up hostilities in the Middle East where the prospect of an even wider conflict has grown. Israel has launched a ground campaign in Lebanon over the past month and is now planning a response to an Oct. 1 missile attack carried out by Iran, ally of Hamas and Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

But the demise of the man who planned the attack last year in which fighters killed 1,200 people in Israel and captured more than 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies, could also help push forward stalled efforts to end the war in which Israel has killed more than 42,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza health authorities.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz celebrated Sinwar’s death on Thursday, stating, “This is a great military and moral victory for Israel and the entire free world against the radical Islamist axis of evil led by Iran. The elimination of Sinwar creates possibilities to immediately free the hostages and bring a change that will lead to a new reality in Gaza without Hamas and without Iranian control” (The Times of Israel).

Regarding the status of the hostages, The Jerusalem Post reports,

Sinwar was widely believed to be hiding in Hamas tunnels throughout the Gaza Strip, never staying in one location for too long and avoiding communications technologies, relying on messengers.

The Hamas terror chief was believed to be surrounded by the remaining hostages as a human shield, which had reportedly prevented the IDF from striking and killing him. Again, the IDF reiterated in their statement that no signs of hostages were present at the site of the strike.

Conflicting reports emerged of whether Sinwar had left the tunnels over the course of the Israel-Hamas War, and the IDF obtained footage of the Hamas chief walking through the tunnels in February of this year.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the IDF to notify the families of the hostages about Sinwar’s death and that there was no indication that any of the hostages were hurt in the deadly battle with Sinwar.

On Thursday evening, Netanyahu addressed the nation of Israel, stating,

We have a great opportunity to halt the [Iranian-led] axis of evil and to create a different future. A future of peace, a future of prosperity for the entire region.

Now it is clear to everyone, in Israel and in the world why we insisted on not ending the war, why we insisted in the face of all the pressures to enter Rafah, the fortified stronghold of Hamas where Sinwar and many of the murderers hid. (The Jerusalem Post)

To the families of the hostages who have been held for over one year, Netanyahu promised, “This is an important moment in the war. We will continue to work with all our powers to bring home all your loved ones, who are our loved ones. This is our highest commitment. This is my highest commitment” (The Jerusalem Post).

To the Hamas terrorists, Netanyahu added, “Your leaders are fleeing and they are being killed… whoever lays down arms, we will allow him to leave and to live. Whoever attacks our forces, his blood is on his own head” (Breitbart).

Netanyahu also directed his comments to the Palestinians in Gaza, “telling them that Sinwar had ‘destroyed’ their lives. While pretending to be brave, he was killed trying to flee.’”  He added, “Hamas will no longer govern in Gaza.” (Breitbart)

Netanyahu added: “To the nations of the region I say: the darkness is in retreat and the light is rising. We can find a different future, a future of peace” (Breitbart).

He closed with a verse from Psalms (18:38): “I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them, never turning back until they were consumed” (Breitbart).

Blessors of Israel is closing monitoring all developments related to Israel’s seven-front war. Please join me in praying for the safe return of the hostages and for the peace of Israel and her people.

by Dr. Matthew Dodd | October 17, 2024

Russia and Iran are Working Towards a “New World Order”

Russia and Iran are working together to achieve a “new world order.” That is what Russian President, Vladimir Putin said on Friday, October 11, 2024, as he met with his newly elected Iranian counterpart, Masoud Pezeshkian. The two leaders were attending a forum in Turkmenistan’s capital of Ashgabat and met on the sidelines to discuss their strategic partnership.

Putin wants to create a “new world order” so that Russia’s allies may counter the United States and the West (Al Jazeera). And Putin wants Iran to play a key role in the establishment of this “new world order.” Putin said, “Relations with Iran are a priority for us. They are developing very successfully.”

Putin added, “Moscow and Tehran actively cooperate with each other in the international arena and often agree on their assessments of world events. This year, we year are witnessing an increase in the volume of trade between the two countries and its good trend” (Breitbart).

Pezeshkian agreed, stating, “From the economic and cultural point of view, our relations are getting stronger day by day. The growing process of cooperation between Iran and Russia should be accelerated according to the will of the supreme leaders of the two countries and the need to strengthen these relations” (Breitbart). (Please note that Russia does not have a “supreme leader”).

Pezeshkian also told Putin that he is hopeful that they will be able to sign a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement during their next meeting at the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia on October 22-24. BRICS is an alliance of countries co-founded by Communist China and Russia in 2009. Iran joined the alliance in January of 2024.

Since the start of Russia’s war with Ukraine, Russia has relied on Iran for drones and ballistic missiles. The Associated Press reported, “Moscow and Tehran signed a $1.7 billion deal for Iran to export drones to Russia after Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022, and the U.S. also believes it has transferred short-range ballistic missiles.”

The Jerusalem Post reported that, earlier in the day, Pezeshkian also took aim at Israel because it has exacted a devastating blow on two of it proxies, Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Pezeshkian said Israel should “stop killing innocent people” and that the United States and the European Union are supporting Israel as it seeks to destabilize the Middle East.

It is important to note that since October 7, 2023, when Hamas terrorist stormed into Israel and murdered 1,200 people, raped women and young girls, beheaded and burned babies, and took 250 people hostage, Putin and his minions have repeatedly sided with Israel’s enemies and attacked Israel’s efforts to rid its people of an existential threat from its neighbors (The Jerusalem Post).

Why are these developments important when it comes to understanding the events of the latter days? Because Russia and Iran will play significant roles in the events leading up to the Great Tribulation. As I have shared repeatedly, both in print and during the Blessors of Israel podcasts, the Battle of Gog and Magog will precede the Great Tribulation according to Ezekiel 38-39. During the Battle of Gog and Magog, there will be an alliance of nations against Israel which will be led by the leader of Russia, “Gog, prince of Rosh” (Ezek. 38:4). “Persia,” modern-day Iran, will be part of that alliance which will attack Israel “in the latter years” (Ezek. 38:5, 8). These nations will “devise an evil plan” against Israel and with overwhelming force “come like a storm. . . like a cloud covering the land” (Ezek. 38:9-10).

In the midst of this great opposition, God will come to Israel’s rescue and pour out His “blazing wrath” upon her foes in order to deliver Israel from certain destruction through a series of cataclysmic judgments (Ezek. 38:18-23). First, God will send a “great earthquake in the land of Israel. . . and all the men who are on the face of the earth will shake at My [God’s] presence; the mountains also will be thrown down, the steep pathways will collapse and every wall will fall to the ground.” Second, the invading armies will turn on each other because God will “call for a sword against him on all My [God’s] mountains. . . Every man’s sword will be against his brother.” Third, God will send a deadly “pestilence” upon Israel’s enemies and “with blood I [God] will enter into judgment with him.” Finally, God will rain down upon the invading armies “a torrential rain, with hailstones, fire and brimstone.”

God’s judgment against Israel’s enemies will be so severe that it will take Israel seven months to bury their enemies and seven years to gather and destroy their weapons (Ezek. 39:9-16). This divine deliverance will be in keeping with God’s promise to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse” (Gen. 12:3).

These developments between Russia and Iran are setting the stage for the events prophesied by the prophet Ezekiel 2,600 years ago. And through it all, God will reveal Himself to Israel and the many nations so that they will know that He is the Lord (Ezek. 38:23).

Watch and pray. Stay alert and intercede for Israel.

by Dr. Matthew Dodd | October 11, 2024

What’s Behind Turkey’s Request to Join BRICS?

Earlier this week it was reported that Turkey has officially applied for membership to the BRICS group nations, becoming the first member of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) to do so (i24 News). According to Yuri Ushakov, President Vladimir Putin’s foreign affairs aide, Turkey has submitted an application “for full membership” and its application will be considered (Associated Press).

The BRICS alliance was founded in 2009 by Brazil, Russia, India, and China, with South Africa joining in 2010, with Communist China and Russia spearheading the effort. BRICS was formed to counter the global economic influence of the United States and its western allies. “Its founding members have called for a fairer world order and the reform of international institutions like the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank” (Associated Press).

As of January 1, 2024, BRICS added the following members to its bloc: Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. The combined total population of the BRICS countries equals 3.25 billion while its combined GDP is 25.83 trillion USD (Statista). And when it comes to military strength rankings, the BRICS bloc scores high marks: Russia (2), China (3), India (4), Brazil (12), Iran (14), and Egypt (15) (Global Fire Power.com).

So, why would Turkey, a member of NATO since 1952, want to join the BRICS alliance?

In 1999, Turkey became a candidate to join the European Union (EU). In 2005, Turkey began talks to become a member of the EU but the “negotiations have stalled due to concerns over democratic regression under Erdogan’s administration, and ongoing disputes with Cyprus, an EU member” (Associated Press). As a result, Turkey is now looking for an alternative to strengthen its struggling economy, and Erdogan’s administration “sees the economic epicenter of the globe shifting away from the West” (i24 News).

According to Erdogan, “Turkey can become a strong, prosperous, prestigious and effective country if it improves its relations with the East and the West simultaneously. . . . Any method other than this will not benefit Turkey, but will harm it” (i24 News).

Erdogan has a history of playing both sides of the global fence so that he may lead Turkey towards his ultimate goal, the resurrection of the Ottoman Empire (TIME). For example, after Russia attacked Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Turkey refused to support the sanctions from the U.S. and its allies against Russia and it never closed its airspace to Russian aircraft (Blessors of Israel). The Biden administration attempted to woo Erdogan back into the fold by approving a $23 billion sale of 40 new F-16 fighter jets along with upgrades to 79 current jets in Turkey’s fleet but Erdogan remained committed to standing with Russia (BBC). By the way, Turkey has NATO’s second largest army, one that is ranked 8 globally on the military strength index (Global Fire Power.com).

And when it comes to Israel, Erdogan aligns with the BRICS bloc more than the U.S. and NATO. As I have noted during the Blessors of Israel Podcast and in print, Erdogan is a friend of Hamas and no friend of Israel. Let’s look at some of the comments made by Erdogan since Israel was attacked by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023 for confirmation.

  • “Hamas is not a terrorist organization, it is a liberation group, mujahideen waging a battle to protect its lands and people.” (Jewish Telegraphic Agency, October 25, 2023)
  • “Israel, we will proclaim you as a war criminal to the world. . . We are making our preparations, and we will declare Israel to the world as a war criminal.” (Associated Press, October 28, 2023)
  • “Israel is an occupier. . . The main culprit behind the massacre unfolding in Gaza is the West.” (Al Jazeera, October 28, 2023)
  • “Once all of this that is happening is finished, we want to see Gaza as a peaceful region that is a part of an independent Palestinian state, in line with 1967 borders, with territorial integrity, and with East Jerusalem as its capital.” (Reuters, November 4, 2023)
  • “With the savagery of bombing the civilians it forced out of their homes while they are relocating, it is literally employing state terrorism. I am now saying, with my heart at ease, that Israel is a terror state. We will never shy away from voicing the truth about Hamas members protecting their lands, honor, and lives in the face of occupation policies are resistance fighters, just because some people are uncomfortable with it.” (Foundation for Defense of Democracies, November 15, 2023)
  • “Beyond being a war criminal, Netanyahu, who is the butcher of Gaza right now, will be tried as the butcher of Gaza. . .” (Reuters, December 4, 2023)
  • “They used to speak ill of Hitler. What difference do you have from Hitler? They are going to make us miss Hitler. Is what this Netanyahu is doing any less than what Hitler did? It is not. He is richer than Hitler, he gets the support from the West. All sorts of support comes from the United States. And what did they do with all this support? They killed more than 20,000 Gazans.” (Al Jazeera, December 27, 2023)
  • “The world is watching the barbarity of. . . a psychopath, a vampire who feeds on blood called Netanyahu” (JNS, May 29, 2024).

And Erdogan has actively resisted NATO’s attempts to cooperate with Israel. On July 11, 2024, Erdogan said, “Until comprehensive, sustainable peace is established in Palestine, attempts at cooperation with Israel within NATO will not be approved by Turkey” (Ynet News).

Then on August 7, 2024, Reuters reported that Turkey “filed its official request to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel over its conduct in the war in Gaza in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague.”

A week later, Erdogan told visiting Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman, that Turkey will continue to support the “Palestinian cause” and push the international community to increase pressure on Israel (Israel National News).

When you put the pieces of the puzzle together, the picture is clear, Erdogan is more closely aligned with the BRICS bloc (especially China, Russia, Iran, South Africa, and Brazil) than the U.S. and NATO.

These developments are important for us to keep in mind as we pray for Israel because Turkey will eventually join forces with Russia and Iran to attack Israel in a significant event that will precede the Great Tribulation.

As I have shared before, the Battle of Gog and Magog will precede the Great Tribulation according to Ezekiel 38-39. During the Battle of Gog and Magog, there will be an alliance of nations against Israel which will be led by the leader of Russia, “Gog, prince of Rosh” (Ezek. 38:4). “Persia,” modern-day Iran, and “Beth-togarmah,” modern-day Turkey will be part of that alliance (Ezek. 38:5-6). They will attack Israel “in the latter years” (Ezek. 38:8) after they “devise an evil plan” against Israel. The Scripture reveals that Israel will be attacked by an overwhelming force that will “come like a storm. . . like a cloud covering the land” (Ezek. 38:9-10).

In the midst of this great opposition, God will come to Israel’s rescue and pour out His “blazing wrath” upon her foes in order to deliver Israel from certain destruction through a series of cataclysmic judgments (Ezek. 38:18-23). First, God will send a “great earthquake in the land of Israel. . . and all the men who are on the face of the earth will shake at My [God’s] presence; the mountains also will be thrown down, the steep pathways will collapse and every wall will fall to the ground.” Second, the invading armies will turn on each other because God will “call for a sword against him on all My [God’s] mountains. . . Every man’s sword will be against his brother.” Third, God will send a deadly “pestilence” upon Israel’s enemies and “with blood I [God] will enter into judgment with him.” Finally, God will rain down upon the invading armies “a torrential rain, with hailstones, fire and brimstone.”

God’s judgment against Israel’s enemies will be so severe that it will take Israel seven months to bury their enemies and seven years to gather and destroy their weapons (Ezek. 39:9-16). This divine deliverance will be in keeping with God’s promise to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse” (Gen. 12:3).

These developments between the Turkey, Russia, and Iran are setting the stage for the events prophesied by the prophet Ezekiel 2,600 years ago. And through it all, God will reveal Himself to Israel and the many nations so that they will know that He is the Lord (Ezek. 38:23).

Please join me in praying for the peace of Israel and her people.

Dr. Matthew Dodd, Executive Director

September 6, 2024

Is Russia Preventing or Preparing Iran for War with Israel?

Is Russia preventing or preparing Iran for war with Israel? You will not see that headline in the mainstream media, but when you piece together articles from various sources, an alarming picture comes into view.

On July 31, 2024, Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, an Iranian-sponsored terrorist organization, was assassinated around 2am in Tehran, Iran. Haniyeh had been visiting Iran to attend the inauguration of Iran’s new president, Masoud Pezeshkian, the day before. Originally, Haniyeh was scheduled to depart from Tehran after Pezeshkian’s swearing-in ceremony but stayed in Tehran after Fuad Shukr, Hezbollah’s senior military commander, was eliminated by Israel in the outskirts of Beirut, Lebanon earlier that day, “making him the most senior figure from the group to be killed in nearly 10 months of conflict with Israel” (The Times of Israel).

According to i24News, an explosive charge was placed under Haniyeh’s bed by “two Iranians recruited by the Mossad from the Ansar al-Mahdi unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.” It appears that the “alleged agents” were tasked with guarding the building where Haniyeh was staying. Security camera footage shows the guards “walking quietly down the hallways towards the room where the target planned to stay, unlocking the door and entering the room. Three minutes later, the guards – who were each offered a six-figure sum and immediate relocation to a country in Northern Europe – were caught on camera calmly exiting the room, descending the stairs towards the main entrance of the building, exiting, and then getting into a black car. The guard at the parking barrier recognized them and opened the gate without asking any questions. An hour later, they were smuggled out of Iran by the Mossad, the report said.” Iran rejects this report and claims that Haniyeh was killed “by a ‘short-range projectile’ and a ‘severe explosion’ outside a guest house where he was staying” (MSN).

The assassination of Haniyeh is a “huge embarrassment” to Iran, dealing a “critical blow to Iran’s security apparatus, exposing severe vulnerabilities and indicating deep foreign intelligence penetration within the Islamic Republic,” according to analysts (Al Arabiya News). Similar to Israel’s response to Iran’s attack in April, when Israel struck a major air base near a nuclear site in Isfahan (NBC News), “Analysts said that the assassination sent a clear message to Iran and its allies; they are not beyond Israel’s reach, even in Tehran. It also highlighted the extent of Israel’s covert capabilities within Iran” (Al Arabiya News).

As of today, Israel has not taken responsibility for the assassination of Haniyeh. This has not kept Iran and Hamas from accusing Israel of being behind Haniyeh’s assassination. After convening an emergency meeting of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, the Ayatollah “ordered a direct strike on Israel” (i24 News). Later, Iran warned that “blood vengeance” for the killing was “certain” (MSN). But to the surprise of many, Iran has not done so. Why?

Today, it was reported that “Iran’s new president is battling against the hard-line Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in an attempt to prevent all-out war with Israel” (Telegraph). Pezeshkian “has suggested targeting somewhere related to Israel in the Republic of Azerbaijan or [Iraqi] Kurdistan and let these countries know before that and get done with the whole drama.” Evidently, he has also recommended “arming the Lebanese Hezbollah with more sophisticated weapons and ‘letting them fight’ with Iran’s intensified support.” Ultimately, the decision to attack Israel will be made by the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Pezeshkian has been in dialogue with Iran’s Supreme Leader in order to avert an all-out war with Israel.

But what role has Russia played in this conflict? The Kremlin strongly condemned Haniyeh’s assassination immediately after it was confirmed, stating, “We believe that such actions are directed against attempts to establish peace in the region and can significantly destabilize an already tense situation” (The Moscow Times). Then it was reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin “asked Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei for a measured response to the alleged Israeli assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, and advised not to harm Israeli citizens, according to two senior Iranian sources” (i24 News). Putin’s message came in the form of a letter that was hand-delivered by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to Iran’s leaders (MENAFN). During Pezeshkian’s meeting with Shoigu, Shoigu said, “We are ready to cooperate fully with Iran in various areas” (MSN).

What “areas” was Shoigu referring to? It appears that Shoigu may have meant Russian weapons and soldiers. Iranian officials say “Russia has begun delivering advanced air defense and radar equipment to Iran after Tehran asked the Kremlin for the arms” (MSN). While it is not clear “what equipment Iran had requested from Russia or what had been delivered. . . Iran already has some Russian-made S-300 air defense systems.” That said, it is highly likely that Iran wants Russia’s more advanced S-400 system which would require Russian soldiers to operate (MSN). According to Defense Express, “This would not be surprising, as Israeli media suggest that the Russian Federation might have already provided Iran with Iskander and Murmansk-BN air defense systems and the necessary personnel” (MSN). The S-400 system “can intercept any air threat; aircraft, helicopters, drones, and ballistic missiles” (MSN).

So, perhaps Iran has delayed its attack on Israel because it is waiting for Russia’s systems and soldiers to be in place. If so, then Russia is clearly preparing and not preventing Iran from going to war with Israel. More importantly, Russia and Iran are setting the stage for the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39, the Battle of Gog and Magog.

Blessors of Israel is closely monitoring this story and will provide the latest news with biblical commentary. Please continue to pray for Israel and her people.

by Dr. Matthew Dodd | August 9, 2024

“Israel Delivered Crushing Blows to Hezbollah, Hamas, and Houthis”. . . What’s Next?
“Israel Delivered Crushing Blows to Hezbollah, Hamas, and Houthis”. . . What’s Next?

Earlier today, Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, addressed the nation after Israel took decisive action against its enemies. Netanyahu opened his remarks, stating, “In recent days, we delivered crushing blows to all of our enemies, Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis. In the strike yesterday, we eliminated Nasrallah’s deputy, he was responsible for the murderous attack on Majdal Shams and one of the most wanted terrorists in the world. We settled the score and we will settle the score with all those who massacre our citizens” (i24 News).

Netanyahu was referencing the targeted elimination of Hezbollah senior military commander Fuad Shukr who was the right-hand man of Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah. “Israeli officials said the militant commander was behind the deaths of 12 children and teens in a weekend rocket attack on the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights as well as the deaths of numerous Israeli civilians in previous rocket strikes on northern Israel” (CBS News).

In 2017, the U.S. State Department placed a $5 million reward for information leading to the location, arrest, or conviction of Shukr in any country, stating, “He’s also a member of the Jihad Council, Hizballah’s highest military body. Shukr plays a key role in Hizballah’s military operations in Syria, and he helped plan and launch the 1983 attack on U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut that killed 241 of our Marines” (State.gov).

Shukr was killed by Israel in the outskirts of Beirut, Lebanon, “making him the most senior figure from the group to be killed in nearly 10 months of conflict with Israel” (The Times of Israel). Hours ago, Iran’s state news agency IRNA reported Milad Bidi, “an Iranian military advisor stationed in Lebanon was killed in the Israeli assassination” of Shukr (Al Arabiya News).

Less than 24 hours after Israel’s strike against Shukr, the political leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, was assassinated around 2am in Tehran, Iran. Haniyeh was visiting Iran to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Iran’s new president, Masoud Pezeshkian on Tuesday, July 30, 2024. It is being reported that Haniyeh was not planning to stay overnight in Tehran but changed plans after Shukr was assassinated in order to meet with Iranian officials to discuss next steps against Israel. That same day, Haniyeh had also met with Iran’s Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in Tehran.

Iranian media reported on Wednesday “that a bodyguard of Ismail Haniyeh. . . leaked critical information leading to his assassination. . . According to the report, an Israeli-made Spike short-range missile targeted Haniyeh’s bedroom. The missile was launched from a building close to where the Hamas leader was staying, with some reports suggesting it was fired from within Iranian territory” (i24 News).

The Biden administrations claims that they were not notified in advance of the assassination (Breitbart). That said, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said “We certainly will help defend Israel. You saw us do that April [when the US led coalition of forces that, together with Israel, almost completely thwarted an Iranian attack on Israel with hundreds of drones and missiles]. You can expect to see us do that again” (The Times of Israel).

The assassination of Haniyeh is a “huge embarrassment” to Iran, dealing a “critical blow to Iran’s security apparatus, exposing severe vulnerabilities and indicating deep foreign intelligence penetration within the Islamic Republic,” according to analysts (Al Arabiya News). Similar to Israel’s response to Iran’s attack in April, when Israel struck a major air base near a nuclear site in Isfahan (NBC News), “Analysts said that the assassination sent a clear message to Iran and its allies; they are not beyond Israel’s reach, even in Tehran. It also highlighted the extent of Israel’s covert capabilities within Iran” (Al Arabiya News).

During his speech, Netanyahu did not mention the assassination of Haniyeh and Israel has not officially taken responsibility for Haniyeh’s death. This has not kept Iran and Hamas from accusing Israel of being behind Haniyeh’s assassination. After convening an emergency meeting of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, the Ayatollah “ordered a direct strike on Israel” (i24 News).

Analysts submit that Iran may mirror their attack of Israel this last April, target Israeli nationals globally, escalate their nuclear activities, disrupt shipping lanes, or attack Israeli diplomatic sites. Analysts also “suggest that given the timing of the assassination – occurring just hours after the targeting of a top Hezbollah commander – it is likely to prompt a coordinated response from Iran and its allied militias” (Al Arabiya News).

According to Hamas sources, Khaled Mashaal “is expected to be chosen as the paramount leader of the group to replace Ismail Haniyeh” (The Jerusalem Post).

Blessors of Israel is closely monitoring this story and will provide the latest news with biblical commentary. Please continue to pray for Israel and her people.

by Dr. Matthew Dodd | July 31, 2024

Is Time on Hamas' Side?

What does Yahya Sinwar, the mastermind behind Hamas’ October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, believe about Hamas’ war against Israel that others have failed to grasp?

Answer: That time appears to be on Hamas’ side.

Sinwar is confident that Hamas will prevail over Israel and remain in power the day after the war has ended despite the fact that Reuters recently reported that Hamas “has been reduced to between 9,000 and 12,000 fighters. . . down from American estimates of 20,000-25,000 before the conflict.” Is Sinwar unnerved by Hamas’ forces shrinking by 50% because of the superiority of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)? Not at all. The Jerusalem Post reported that Sinwar has boasted to Hamas leaders in Qatar, saying, “We have the Israelis where we want them.”

Sinwar’s comments reveal a man who is not delusional but is committed to an antisemitic, genocidal ideology; the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of the Jews at any cost, even if it means Hamas has to “go it alone.” Last December, when Hamas officials met with the leaders of other terrorist groups to debate reconciliation after the war, Sinwar objected to their efforts and labelled such dialogue as “shameful and outrageous.” Sinwar then exhorted his comrades, saying, “As long as fighters are still standing and we have not lost the war, such contacts should be immediately terminated. . . We have the capabilities to continue fighting for months.”

But it is one thing to be willing to “go it alone” in order to achieve one’s objective. Sinwar is not only willing to “go it alone,” he is willing to use innocent civilian lives to realize his goal. For Sinwar, civilian casualties are the means by which Hamas will obtain its end (i.e., “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free”). In another message to Hamas leaders, Sinwar callously commented that Palestinian civilian casualties are “necessary sacrifices.” And when Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh’s three sons were killed by an Israeli Air Force strike in Gaza this last April, Sinwar enthusiastically declared that their deaths and the deaths of other Palestinians would “infuse life into the veins of this nation, prompting it to rise to its glory and honor.”

Please keep in mind that a little more than eight months after October 7th, it has been reported by the Gaza Health Ministry (GHM) that over 37,000 Palestinians have died in Gaza. Now, we do not know that exact number of civilian versus terrorist deaths during that period because the GHM does not distinguish between civilian and Hamas terrorist deaths (Associated Press). And it is also difficult to discern whether an adult or a child has died because the GHM counts an 18-year-old Hamas terrorist as a “child” in their statistics.

But back to Sinwar. How can Sinwar be so resolute when it comes to achieving his goal, to destroy Israel and remove the Jewish people from the face of the earth? Again, what does Yahya Sinwar know about Hamas’ war against Israel that others have failed to comprehend?

Answer: When he reads the news headlines, Sinwar believes time is on Hamas’ side. And it is easy to see why he would come to that conclusion.

First, it is clear that antisemitism is alive and thriving throughout the world. Immediately after the horrific events of October 7th, when Hamas terrorist murdered 1,200 people, raped women and young girls, beheaded babies and burned infants alive, and took approximately 250 people hostage, many global leaders voiced their support for Israel and its right to defend itself against Hamas. But support for Israel was short-lived and the narrative quickly shifted in favor of Hamas when Israel went on the offensive and seized northern Gaza. Suddenly there were protests against Israel in major cities around the world and on U.S. college campuses.

As Israel seized more control of Gaza, the protests grew more intense. The United Nations, which is no friend of Israel, began to level accusation after accusation against Israel. And it came as no surprise when the likes of Brazil, Russia, and South Africa, members of the BRICS coalition of nations, along with Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan began to chime in and call for a ceasefire while also claiming that Israel has no right to defend itself and that its leaders are committing war crimes. Nor was anyone shocked when Iran, the largest state-sponsor of terrorism and puppeteer of Hamas, threatened to annihilate Israel if it did not end its war with Hamas.

But when Ireland, Spain, Norway, and Slovenia unilaterally recognized a Palestinian state and Spain subsequently requested to join South Africa’s case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in order to accuse Israel of genocide, the pressure against Israel intensified dramatically. Then shortly thereafter, Karim Khan, the chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC), equated Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant with Hamas’ Sinwar, Haniyeh, and Mohammed Deif and accused Netanyahu and Gallant of “causing extermination, causing starvation as a method of war including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies, deliberately targeting civilians in conflict” (The Times of Israel). Khan then applied for arrest warrants against Netanyahu, Gallant, Sinwar, Haniyeh, and Deif.

Now, arrest warrants for Sinwar, Haniyeh, and Deif make sense. Truly, they have committed crimes against humanity both in Israel and in Gaza. But Netanyahu? Gallant? Really?

Back to Sinwar. Do you think for one moment that Sinwar felt threatened by Khan’s arrest warrant request? Not at all. I am sure that when Sinwar read those headlines from his Gazan tunnel, he smiled with satisfaction as he thought to himself, “Time is on Hamas’ side.”

Second, as I wrote in my article last week, Palestinians’ support for Hamas remains strong. The polling numbers say it all, “67% of the Palestinians polled still believe that Hamas made the ‘correct decision’ when its terrorists launched a barbaric attack against Israel on October 7th.” These are strong numbers when one considers that 80% of those surveyed living in Gaza claim a family member has died or has been injured since October 7th. And get this, “61% still prefer that Hamas remains in control of the Gaza Strip” while “75% are satisfied with Hamas’ performance during the war and 65% are pleased with the performance of its diabolical ringleader, Yahya Sinwar.” What is also revealing about the survey results is that 65% of the Palestinians polled are opposed to a Two-State Solution. Why? Because the Palestinians want a One-State Solution, meaning a world without Israel. Clearly, the Palestinians still support Hamas and Sinwar even though he has commanded Hamas terrorists to use civilians as human shields, women, children, and elderly alike. What does Sinwar think when he hears the news about the polling numbers from Gaza and the West Bank? “Time is on Hamas’ side!”

While there appears to be unified support for Hamas in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the same cannot be said for Netanyahu and his government in Israel. Prior to October 7th, liberal, progressive groups protested against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s attempts to reform the Supreme Court even though he was voted into office to do so (Reuters). But it did not stop there. Soon more than 100 “Reservist officers and soldiers of the Military Intelligence’s Special Operations Division came out strongly against the coalition’s planned judicial overhaul. . . warning in an open letter that they would stop showing up for duty should the government move ahead with its plans” (The Times of Israel). But it did not stop there. The media was against Israel’s duly-elected government. The business and financial sectors were against Netanyahu and his coalition in the Knesset as well.

Then October 7th happened and everything changed because suddenly all parties realized they were facing an existential threat. If Israel did not unite, Israel may cease to exist. But eight months later, Israel is looking more like the Israel of old, before October 7th. There have been threats, resignations, and protests. While division festers, tragically, many hostages have died in captivity with recent reports calculating that only 50 hostages are still alive. What does Sinwar think when he reads such headlines while fleeing to another tunnel location under the Gaza Strip? “Time is on Hamas’ side!”

Finally, there is Israel’s tension-riddled relationship with the United States. Historically, the U.S. has been Israel’s greatest ally in the world and Israel has been the U.S.’s greatest ally in the Middle East. Yet, prior to October 7th, President Biden joined the throng of those who were publicly chastising Netanyahu for attempting to reform Israel’s Supreme Court (CNN). But after October 7th, Biden committed the U.S. to supporting Israel as Israel sought to defeat Hamas. And while there has been times when the Biden administration has appeared to support Israel without reservation, Biden has been under pressure to please his base during this presidential election year, a base that is clearly anti-Israel and antisemitic. Recent reporting reveals that Biden is frustrated with Netanyahu because Netanyahu is not obeying the dictates of the White House like a good Israeli Prime Minister should.

Tensions reached a new level this week when Netanyahu posted a video accusing the U.S. of withholding weapons and ammunitions from Israel (Breitbart). Netanyahu’s video and Biden’s response prompted Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark) to ask the “White House to come clean about the status of U.S. arms shipments to Israel and to detail what has been paused in recent months” (World Israel News).

What does Sinwar sing from his Gazan tunnel as he reflects upon the divide he helped to orchestrate between the U.S. and Israel? “Time is on my. . . I mean. . . Hamas’ side. . . yes it is!”

When we look at the rise and prevalence of antisemitism around the world, Sinwar is justified in concluding that Hamas is winning the war against Israel on the narrative front. The longer Sinwar holds onto the hostages and makes it look like Hamas is willing to strike a deal with Israel, the greater the pressure will be on Israel to concede to Hamas’ demands.

Why is this so? Because there are two sets of rules, one for Israel and one for Hamas and the rest of the world. And because there are also two sets of standards, one for Israel and one for Hamas and the rest of the world. You see, the world really does not want Israel to defeat Hamas. The world just wants to control Israel until the time comes for the antichrist to annihilate Israel (Daniel 9:27).

Yet, Sinwar has failed to understand a very important principle found within the pages of Scripture; while Sinwar may believe that time is on Hamas’ side, God is on Israel’s side. The God of Israel is not done with Israel (Romans 11:25-36). He has a plan to restore Israel to Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ. He promised King David that his Son, Israel’s Messiah, would reign on the throne of David forever (2 Samuel 7:13). So, God is using these events, even Israel’s enemies and friends, to prepare Israel for the return of her Savior, Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:15-31). Jesus Christ will return at the end of the Great Tribulation to defeat the antichrist, the false prophet, along with Satan and his minions and reign on the throne of David for one thousand years (Revelation 20:1-10).

Back to Sinwar. None of us knows how much time we have left on this side of heaven, not even Sinwar. But one thing is certain, time isn’t on anyone’s side. Each of us will stand before Jesus Christ one day and give an account for our answer to the most important question ever asked, “Who do you say Jesus is?” (Hebrews 9:27-28; Matthew 16:15-17). Those who have rejected Jesus Christ will be rejected by Jesus Christ and suffer an eternity in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11-15). Those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ and confessed Him as their Savior will receive the forgiveness of their sins and the gift of eternal life (Romans 10:8-13). Before that day comes, I pray that all of Israel, her friends and enemies alike, including Sinwar, will ask Jesus Christ to be their Savior (John 3:16).      

Will you please join me in praying for Israel and her people at this critical time? 

by Dr. Matthew Dodd | June 21, 2024

Palestinians Support for Hamas Remains Strong

Once again, the polling numbers say it all, numbers that send a clear message which will not be welcomed by proponents of a Two-State Solution with the Palestinian Authority governing a new Palestinian state. The survey was conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR). Of the 1,570 Palestinian adults surveyed, 760 live in Judea and Samaria (a.k.a. “West Bank”), and 750 live in central and southern Gaza. The face-to-face interviews were conducted between May 26 and June 1, 2024. The margin of error was 3%.

The survey reports that 67% of the Palestinians polled still believe that Hamas made the “correct decision” when its terrorists launched a barbaric attack against Israel on October 7th. When broken down by region, 73% of supporters reside in the West Bank while 57% live in Gaza. What is quite revealing is that approximately 80% of the Gazans surveyed also said that they had lost a relative or had a relative injured by Israel and yet they still support Hamas’ attack on Israel.

Another survey question showed that 88% believe that Hamas did not commit war crimes on October 7th compared with 97% who believe that Israel is currently committing war crimes as it seeks to defend its citizens from another October 7th-like attack. And when asked if they believed Hamas committed the atrocities which are seen in the videos posted by the terrorists, “the overwhelming majority (91%) said no, it did not, and only 7% said it did.”

It is important to keep in mind all that the Palestinians living in Gaza have endured at the hands of Hamas while reading the survey results; used as human shields, having humanitarian aid stolen from them by Hamas terrorists, and being threatened with personal harm or even death if they did not obey the oppressive dictates of Hamas leaders who are living in the lap of luxury in Qatar. Nevertheless, the survey found that 61% still prefer that Hamas remains in control of the Gaza Strip, with 71% of Hamas supporters coming from the West Bank and 46% coming from Gaza. Yet when asked if the Palestinians want the Palestinian Authority under the leadership of the current President Mahmoud Abbas to govern a unified Palestinian State, only 6% gave their approval. In fact, “About 90% want the president to resign.”

What is also concerning is that 75% are satisfied with Hamas’ performance during the war and 65% are pleased with the performance of its diabolical ringleader, Yahya Sinwar. By the way, it is this same Sinwar who sent a message to Hamas leaders in Qatar which stated that civilian casualties are “necessary sacrifices” (The Jerusalem Post).

And when it comes to breaking the stalemate between Israel and Hamas, 63% of Palestinians prefer “a return to confrontations and armed intifada” to “negotiations” or a “peaceful popular resistance.” In fact, 54% of those polled believe an “armed struggle” is the “best means of achieving Palestinian goals in ending the occupation and building an independent state.” What is interesting about these results is that 65% are opposed to a Two-State Solution. Why? Because they want a One-State Solution, meaning a world without Israel.

Another interesting survey result involves Palestinian views “towards the deployment of an Arab security force from Egypt and Jordan in the Gaza Strip.” Back in December of 2023, 70% opposed the idea of Arab security forces assisting Palestinians security forces. Six months later, opposition to this type of security rose to 75%. And speaking of other Arab nations, few if any will be surprised to learn that 75% oppose Saudi-Israeli normalization, “even if it is conditional on Israel accepting a Palestinian state and taking concrete and irreversible steps toward that goal.”

In terms of approval ratings for regional actors during the war, Yemen tops the list at 80%, followed by Hezbollah at 57%, Qatar at 55%, and Iran at 49%. And speaking of Iran, there was 27-pecentage point increase from three months ago when Palestinian support was reported at 22%. The “rise in satisfaction with Iran is tangible, almost certainly due to Iran’s direct missile attack on Israel in April,”

So, let’s summarize the results. First, the Palestinians still support Hamas (along with their leader, Sinwar) and expect Hamas to win the war against Israel and even govern Gaza the day after the war ends. Second, the Palestinians believe armed opposition is one of the best ways for them to achieve their goal of independence. Third, the Palestinians are opposed to a Two-State solution because they want a One-State Solution. Fourth, the Palestinians do not want security assistance from their closest Arab neighbors, Egypt and Jordan. Fifth, the Palestinians are opposed to any Saudi-Israeli normalization even if that it paves the way for a Palestinian State.

Question: Why are the nations standing against Israel as it seeks to protect its citizens from this type of existential threat?

Again, please do not misunderstand me. I want peace as much as the next person and it breaks my heart to see the suffering in Gaza because Hamas leaders have doubled-down and lay down their weapons and return the hostages. But even if Hamas leaders did admit defeat, released the remaining hostages, and lived in exile, these polling results make it clear that Hamas ideology will live on in the hearts of those Palestinians who remain in Gaza the day after Hamas is defeated. And we must never forget that the likes of Iran, Hezbollah, Qatar, and Yemen will gladly support and even fund any efforts to terrorize and ultimately defeat Israel so that from the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.       

Will you please join me in praying for Israel and her people at this critical time?

by Dr. Matthew Dodd | June 14, 2024

China Pushes for a Palestinian State

Communist Chinese President, Xi Jinping, is aggressively seeking to control all matters concerning the Middle East including Israel and a future Palestinian State. On Thursday, at the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF) in Beijing, Xi spoke to influential leaders from Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Bahrain in an effort to spread China’s economic and political influence in the Middle East. In addition to promoting China’s Belt Road Initiative (BRI), which is “China’s global plan to offer predatory loans to poor countries, to be used to pay Chinese companies to build ports, roads, and railways that they could otherwise not afford” (Breitbart), Xi once again weighed in on the conflict between Israel and Hamas, demanding the establishment of a Palestinian State. It is important to note that since October 7, 2023, when Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists murdered 1,200 Jews, barbarically raped women and young girls, beheaded and burned to death infants, and took hostage 250 people hostage, China has refused to condemn the heinous acts of Hamas. In fact, China has become more steadfast in its support for the terrorist regime and more vocal in its rhetoric against Israel.

Xi declared that “War should not continue indefinitely. Justice should not be absent forever. Commitment to the two-State solution should not be wavered at will. China firmly supports the establishment of an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital. It supports Palestine’s full membership in the U.N., and supports more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference” (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China).

Xi also pledged China’s financial support to reduce the burden of the current conflict.

“On top of the previous RMB100 million yuan [$14 million] of emergency humanitarian assistance, China will provide an additional RMB500 million yuan [about $69 billion] of assistance to help ease the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and support post-conflict reconstruction. . . We will donate U.S.$3 million to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency [UNRWA] for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in support of its emergency humanitarian assistance to Gaza” (Breitbart).

Xi and his CASCF participants then signed a joint statement against Israel.

Blessors of Israel has noted that Communist China has been “pulling the puppet strings and asserting its agenda in the Middle East” for quite some time. By way of reminder, in April of 2023, China brokered a peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran, two countries that had not had diplomatic relations since 2016.

Later that month, China inserted itself into the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, offering to facilitate peace talks.

In June of 2023, China invited a delegation from Iran and Pakistan for joint counterterrorism talks. Delegates were optimistic that new initiatives would likely lead to increased peace and stability in the wider Middle East region as well as within the borders of their respective countries.

Then, two weeks after Hamas brutally attacked Israel on October 7, 2023, Communist Chinese’s President Xi Jinping, called for a cease fire and the establishment of a two-state solution when he said, “The top priority now is a ceasefire as soon as possible, to avoid the conflict from expanding or even spiraling out of control or causing a serious humanitarian crisis” (CNN).

China has repeatedly voted against Israel at the United Nations because it objects to Israel taking steps to ensure that Hamas will never be able to attack its citizens again.

Please keep in mind that China has one goal, global domination by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. In light of China’s professed agenda, its influence in the Middle East is of serious concern.

China does not have allies, only puppets that it manipulates to achieve its objective. Therefore, this realignment of nations under China’s leadership will not serve to promote peace in the Middle East. Rather, it will promote China’s agenda at the expense of the nations of the Middle East, especially Israel. China is no friend of Israel.

Please join me in praying for the peace of Israel.

by Dr. Matthew Dodd | May 30, 2024

Iran Attacks Israel, Will Israel Retaliate?

Yesterday, Iran launched an unprecedented attack against Israel. The Times of Israel reports that Iran launched “185 drones, 110 surface-to-surface missiles, and 36 cruise missiles at Israel.” While the attack came mainly from Iran proper, some of the attack also came from Yemen, Syria, and Iraq.

“None of Iran’s 185 Shahed 238 drones launched against Israel reached the country, nor did any of the 36 cruise missiles fired in Tehran’s historic attack. . . Only a small number of Iran’s 110 Kheibar Shekan ballistic missiles struck the country, and an even smaller number exploded” (Ynet News).

According to the IDF, the attack lasted 16 minutes during which there were 688 sirens sounded. Thirty-one people were slightly injured and one Israeli was seriously injured due to shrapnel (Ynet News).

The United States, Great Britain, and France assisted Israel in defending Israel against Iranian drones, cruise and ballistic missiles (Times of Israel).

Even though Iran threatened to attack other Middle Eastern countries who supported Israel against Iran’s attack, “Jordanian jets downed dozens of Iranian drones flying across northern and central Jordan heading to Israel. . . in a dramatic show of support from Amman” (The Times of Israel).

Prior to the attack, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement in which he expressed his appreciation for the support Israel was about to receive from the U.S., U.K., and France in defending Israel from the Iranian attack. The statement reads:

“Citizens of Israel, In recent years, and especially in recent weeks, Israel has been preparing for a direct attack by Iran. Our defense systems are deployed; we are ready for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. The State of Israel is strong. The IDF is strong. The public is strong. We appreciate the US standing alongside Israel, as well as the support of Britain, France and many other countries. We have determined a clear principle: Whoever harms us, we will harm them. We will defend ourselves against any threat and will do so level-headedly and with determination. Citizens of Israel, I know that you also are level-headed. I call on you to follow the directives of IDF Home Front Command. Together we will stand and with G-d’s help – together we will overcome all of our enemies.”

Many nations have voiced their support for Israel and their condemnation of Iran for yesterday’s attack. That said, the BRICS alliance of nations which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa along with new members, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates did not condemn Iran’s attack but called for the immediate de-escalation of tensions between Iran and Israel (DW.Com). Likewise, the “Saudi Foreign Ministry expressed concerns over the ‘recent military escalations’ in the regions and. . . stressed the importance of ‘preventing any further exacerbation’ of the crisis” without condemning Iran (CNN).

Earlier this week, President Joe Biden reiterated U.S. support for Israel during a joint press conference with Japan’s Prime Minister, stating, “As I told Prime Minister Netanyahu, our commitment to Israel’s security against these threats from Iran and its proxies is ironclad. Let me say it again: ironclad. We’re going to do all we can to protect Israel’s security” (Breitbart). And speaking to reporters on Friday about a potential Iranian strike against Israel, Biden said, “Don’t” (i24 News).

But it appears that Biden’s “ironclad” support for Israel has limits. Reuters reports that “President Joe Biden warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the U.S. will not take part in a counter-offensive against Iran if Israel decides to retaliate” during a phone call last night.

This morning, during an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” the White House’s top national security spokesperson, John Kirby, confirmed the U.S. will not support an Israeli counter-offensive against Iran, stating, “U.S. will continue to help Israel defend itself, but does not want war.”

The Times of Israel now reports that Biden’s call with Netanyahu “dissuaded” Netanyahu “from greenlighting an immediate retaliatory strike against Iran.”

Blessors of Israel is closely monitoring this crisis between Israel and Iran. Please join me in praying for Israel and her people during these difficult days.

by Dr. Matthew Dodd | April 14, 2024

Israel Braces for an Attack by Iran

The Middle East and the rest of the world are on edge. According to CBS News, “Israel is bracing for a worst-case scenario that U.S. officials believe could materialize within just hours – the possibility of a direct attack on Israeli soil by Iran in retaliation for a strike almost two weeks ago that killed seven Iranian military officers. Iran has vowed to take revenge for Israel killing its commanders, who were hit by an April 1 strike” on an Iranian consulate in Syria’s capital. Two U.S. officials told CBS News “that a major attack against Israel was expected as soon as Friday, possibly to include more than 100 drones and dozens of missiles aimed at military targets inside the country.” In light of the imminent threat, the United States “has instructed its diplomatic employees in Israel not to travel far from their homes in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Be-er Sheva in the south” until further notice (Breitbart).

According to Axios, three U.S. officials confirmed that “Iran sent a message to the Biden administration through several Arab countries earlier this week: if the U.S. gets involved in the fighting between Israel and Iran, U.S. forces in the region will be attacked.”

President Biden answered Iran’s warnings on Wednesday during joint press conference with Japan’s Prime Minister, when he declared, “As I told Prime Minister Netanyahu, our commitment to Israel’s security against these threats from Iran and its proxies is ironclad. Let me say it again: ironclad. We’re going to do all we can to protect Israel’s security” (Breitbart). And speaking to reporters earlier today about an Iranian strike against Israel, Biden said, “Don’t” (i24 News).

On the diplomacy front, the Daily Caller reports that the “Biden Administration asked China on Thursday to urge Iran against launching a retaliatory strike against Israel.” During a phone call between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Blinken asked Beijing to “deter Iran from launching an attack against Israel.” But Wang rejected Blinken’s request and stated that “China ‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s strikes and urged the U.S. to play a ‘constructive role’ in the Middle East.” Where China refused to assist with diffusing tensions between Iran and Israel, Russia, Germany, and Great Britain “urged countries in the Middle East to show restraint” on Thursday (Reuters).

Earlier today, “Hezbollah said it had launched ‘dozens’ of rockets from Lebanon towards Israel. An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman said around 40 missiles and two explosive drones had been fired. No casualties were reported and there were no indications of involvement from other actors” (BBC).

On Tuesday, The Times of Israel cited an anonymous “Western security official” who noted Israel “has been conducting air force drills in recent days that include preparing to target Iranian nuclear facilities and other key infrastructure should the Islamic Republic retaliate for the Damascus strike by attacking from its own territory.”

And yesterday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated his warning to Iran if it attacked Israel, stating, “We are in challenging times. We are in the midst of a war in Gaza that is continuing with full force. In addition, we are continuing with ceaseless efforts to return our hostages, but we are also preparing for challenges from other fronts. . . We set a simple principle: Anyone who hits us, we hit them. We are ready to fulfill our responsibilities to Israel’s security, in defense and attack” (The Times of Israel).

Blessors of Israel is closely monitoring this crisis between Israel and Iran. Please join us in praying for Israel and her people during these tumultuous days.

by Dr. Matthew Dodd | April 12, 2024